Becarios del Campus

"Ser becaria ha sido mi trabajo más valioso hasta ahora. En general, esta experiencia me ha enseñado mucho sobre el trabajo de defensa, el trabajo no partidista, un entorno de trabajo saludable y feliz, la gestión del tiempo y, por supuesto, la gravedad de muchos problemas medioambientales diferentes en Carolina del Norte y más allá".
- Antiguo alumno de Campus Fellow

The Campus Fellows program hires college students on North Carolina campuses to organize in their communities and educate their peers about voting in our state’s elections. This program enables NC Conservation Network to increase our organizing capacity across North Carolina, engage young people in timely issue campaigns, and create a pathway for future leaders in the environmental movement. Each fellow works 6-10 hours per week during the school semester and receives a stipend of $150 per week.

The Campus Fellows program started in January 2022 with four students at four different universities. We’ve had fellows on eleven different campuses, with more than one fellow at several locations, including: UNC-Wilmington, Appalachian State, UNC-Greensboro, NC A&T, UNC, NC Central, NC State, ECU, Fayetteville State, Western Carolina, and UNC Charlotte.

Each Campus Fellow works with our organizers to conduct outreach on their campus around major issue campaigns. Our fellows have focused on stopping forever chemical (PFAS) pollution, promoting environmental justice, and opposing Duke Energy rate hikes and production of new, dirty energy generation. In addition, our fellows pivot to non-partisan Get-Out-the-Vote work around elections in the state, with particular focus on informing students about where and when to vote early. The Campus Fellows’ actions include planning events, speaking to classes, tabling on campus, and finding ways to collaborate with local allies and volunteers.

En cuatro semestres del programa, nuestros Campus Fellows han:

  1. Collected over 16,100 petition signatures on campaigns such as environmental justice, forever chemicals, and energy policy,
  2. Worked with more than 100 different community and campus organizations,
  3. Hosted or attended over 400 events and speaking engagements,
  4. Involucró a los estudiantes en la votación mediante mensajes de texto entre compañeros y guías electorales no partidistas.

One major goal of the Campus Fellows Program is preparing students to continue their advocacy work after graduation. Alumni of the program are continuing important work within their communities—some former fellows hold positions such as Regulatory Analyst at the NC Dept. of Environmental Quality, Vegan Program Coordinator at the Food Empowerment Project, Forestry Communications Specialist at the National Wildlife Federation, and Organizing Fellow here at NCCN. Check out this page that highlights some of our program graduates and their accomplishments.

As the program continues to grow, fellows will engage their peers on critical environmental issues in North Carolina. In the fall of 2024, fellows will conduct our largest ever Get-Out-the-Vote effort as the program continues to increase in scope and impact. NCCN has hired alumni of the Fellows Program who are helping us organize across the state and lead a new batch of Campus Fellows.

¿Está interesado en presentar su candidatura o conoce a un estudiante que podría estar interesado en ser Campus Fellow? SOLICITUD EN LÍNEA

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234 Fayetteville Street | 5ª planta
Raleigh, Carolina del Norte 27601

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